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California Institute of Advanced Management

Toxic Leadership: Behaviors, Characteristics, and Consequences

Franco Gandolfi and Seth Stone


November 18, 2022


Toxic leadership is a type of leadership that is destructive to members of a team, an organization, and society at large. It is ubiquitous and ever-present in a variety of settings. Yet, within the larger body of the leadership literature, toxic leadership accounts for a surprisingly small percentage of the leadership research. There are dozens of widely known and well documented cases of the devastating consequences of toxic leadership. So, why is there such little scientific interest in conceptualizing and operationalizing toxic leadership? This paper explores the multi-faceted elements of toxic leadership and reviews the behaviors, characteristics, and consequences associated with toxic leadership. The paper demonstrates what healthy leadership looks like and presents a working definition of toxic leadership. Such a working definition is vitally important to allow the academic community to build upon for further study and research.

Keywords: Leadership, Toxicity; Health; Toxic Leadership INTRODUCTION

Toxic leadership is a type of leadership that is destructive to members of a team, an organization, and society at large. It is ubiquitous and has been for centuries. Yet, within the larger body of the leadership literature, toxic leadership accounts for an alarmingly small percentage of the leadership research. There are dozens of widely known and well documented cases of the devastating consequences of toxic leadership. So, why is there such little scientific interest in conceptualizing and operationalizing toxic leadership? It seems, at an outset, that toxic leaders are found everywhere. Indeed, it appears to occur in every industry and at every level of government (Lipman-Bluman, 2005). As Wright (2015) points out from a military context, there are almost a countless number of historical examples whereby leaders place an emphasis on service and sacrifice above anything else resulting in the destruction of follower morale. More disturbingly, nobody is immune to toxic leadership. New Paragraph


Toxic leadership is a type of leadership that is destructive to members of a team, an organization, and society at large. It is ubiquitous and has been for centuries. Yet, within the larger body of the leadership literature, toxic leadership accounts for an alarmingly small percentage of the leadership research. There are dozens of widely known and well documented cases of the devastating consequences of toxic leadership. So, why is there such little scientific interest in conceptualizing and operationalizing toxic leadership? It seems, at an outset, that toxic leaders are found everywhere. Indeed, it appears to occur in every industry and at every level of government (Lipman-Bluman, 2005). As Wright (2015) points out from a military context, there are almost a countless number of historical examples whereby leaders place an emphasis on service and sacrifice above anything else resulting in the destruction of follower morale. More disturbingly, nobody is immune to toxic leadership.

This paper endeavors to examine toxic leadership. It starts the journey by exploring the multi- faceted elements of toxic leadership which makes this paper compelling in the broader scholarly discourse on leadership. The paper then reviews the behaviors, characteristics, and consequences of toxic leadership, which is essential to the development of a philosophical, pragmatic, and comprehensive understanding of toxic leadership. This in and of itself, as the paper will demonstrate, is foundational to more organizations and individuals saying no to toxic leadership. Students of leadership should care about this research because virtually everyone has been exposed to toxic leadership at some point in their lives whether in a workplace, family setting, or even within a community context and volunteer activities. Toxic leadership impacts all of us, which is why we so desperately need to understand it. The primary purpose of this paper is to examine what healthy and toxic leadership look like, drawing

an important comparison and juxtaposition between the two for current and aspiring leaders to examine. This comparison becomes important because, while there are still many scholars pointing to personality as the primary driving force behind leader behavior, while Itzkovich, Heilbrunn, and Aleksic (2020), rightly assert that there are many other complex variables that can contribute to leader behavior. Thus, the objective of this paper is to develop a working definition of toxic leadership based on the existing research surrounding both healthy and toxic leadership. From a structural point of view, the paper will first demonstrate what healthy leadership looks like both in theory and practice. Second, the paper will review some of the behaviors, characteristics, and consequences of toxic leadership. Third, the paper will present a working definition of toxic leadership from which future research can be built from. Finally, the paper will present concluding thoughts and a call to action for further scientific study.


How leadership is defined is essential to the discourse surrounding toxic leadership. As Stogdill argues in his study, “there are almost as many definitions of leadership as there are persons who have attempted to define the subject” (Brookes, 2014, p. 202). Yet, there are a few definitions that have permeated academic and popular press resources consistently throughout the years. Previous research and publications by the authors of this paper have explored dozens of definitions of leadership, accounting for deep research into each of the widely accepted styles of leadership. From this work, the authors arrived at their own unique definition of leadership as follows:

“An intentional means by which a leader influences a group of people in an organization to a widely understood future state that is different from the present one.” (Gandolfi & Stone, 2018).

The word intentional is a critical element of this definition. Gandolfi and Stone (2017) discuss the intentionality required to practice leadership, as

well as to cultivate and develop leadership skills. Two important points are noteworthy: One, while this paper is not about leadership styles per se, every leadership style does in fact require intentionality (Gandolfi & Stone, 2017). Second, it cannot be assumed that all intentional efforts to build and grow leadership skills is done so for the mutual benefit of the leader and the follower, or even if this is the intent that it will remain that way indefinitely. The notion of organizational variables discussed previously (Itzkovich, Heilbrunn, & Aleksic, 2020) can influence the intentionality and ultimately the output of a leader.

Influence is one of the most important elements of the stated leadership definition. Good, or healthy leadership is influence driven by motivation, inspiration, and prioritization, which can engender a sense of calm and safety (McDermott, Kidney, & Flood, 2013). Whether it is top down, matrix, or a flat organizational structure, leaders must be able to influence others. Gandolfi (2016) asserts that the combination of five components render a potent working definition of leadership - (i) there must be one or more leaders, (ii) leadership must have followers, (iii) it must be action oriented with a (iv) legitimate course of action, and there must be (v) goals and objectives. Several important points are made here. One, there is an inherent leader/ follower dynamic. Two, goals and action steps become very important in that the leaders and followers must work together to achieve the goals set out by the leader(s). The question then arises as to what end? Are followers giving their time joyfully or forcefully? For instance, when organizational advocates joyfully give their time and talents to the organizational mission, they in turn enhance the value of the organization (Stone, 2015). When the followers are subjected to do the inverse, they become robbed of their joy and resentful of the organization and its leadership.

This idea of joy and satisfaction in the workplace accounts for the Winston and Patterson (2006) definition of leadership. They discuss a distinct bond between the leader(s) and the follower(s). One that points to traits, skills, and abilities on the part of the follower(s) that can be utilized in a healthy way for the benefit of both the organization and the follower(s), where the follower(s) feel they are truly valued in the grand vision toward achieving the mission, and not just a cog in the corporate wheel (Winston & Patterson, 2006). This is important because it places equal emphasis on both relationship and purpose between the leader(s) and the follower(s). When this type of relationship reaches equilibrium, it generates trust, commitment, and longevity. The reason is that followers want to be heard. Gandolfi & Stone (2018) assert that placing the needs of the follower first is arguably the most unselfish posture that leaders can take toward their followers. This is significant in creating organizational humility and essential in discerning if the leader/follower relationships are positively influential or coercive.

In his seminal work, Collins (2001) defines five levels of leadership, where the Level 5 leader “blends extreme personal humility with intense professional will” (p. 21). There is a clear balance here - results versus humility. The two can live in harmony, but it is not an easy line to walk for any leader. “Driven” leaders can easily forget about followers, and humility in the wrong context or without the proper understanding of what humility is can be perceived as weakness. Effective leadership is not linear, nor is it a one-way form of communication or event; rather it is highly interactive (Northouse, 2007). Interaction is critical, and it comes in many forms, though it must be driven from the top. If there is no incentive to be interactive, it simply will not happen. This encompasses another key element of the authors of this papers’ definition of leadership, how the leader moves the organization toward the widely understood desired future state. This becomes the critical moment for the leader, the follower, and the organization. It is the proverbial fork in the road where healthy leadership and toxic leadership start to noticeably deviate from one another determining the all-important means by which the future organizational state gets achieved. Achieving the desired future state begins to bring about difficult questions that are beyond the scope of this current paper but are worth serious consideration for future research. For instance, are there leadership styles that start with the best of intentions and become toxic? If so, what styles are most susceptible? Does toxic leadership become pervasive from the idea of results at any cost?

There is a clear understanding at this point that healthy leadership considers the mission, vision, and followers equally. An example of this is the leadership of Herb Kelleher, Co-founder of Southwest Airlines. Freiberg and Freiberg (2019) state that Southwest Airlines became a beacon on a hill. Herb and the people of Southwest Airlines showed that it is possible to love people, employees, and customers alike, have fun, and make money simultaneously. Kelleher never believed that the discipline necessary to run an on-time airline with fantastic service was mutually exclusive with treating people like family and making work fun. Kelleher famously said, ‘A company is stronger if it is bound by love rather than by fear.’ (Freiberg & Freiberg, 2019). Kelleher treated mission vision, and people equally and the result was the emergence of the largest domestic airline in the United States.

An understanding of healthy leadership coupled with a concrete definition as well as a practical example, form the basis of a framework that acts as a catalyst for exploring toxic leadership, as well as, understanding the stark differences between the two. This discourse is critical since it identifies how the mission, vision, and followers are treated differently under healthy leadership versus toxic leadership.


So, what is toxic leadership? Undeniably, it has very specific behaviors, characteristics, and consequences. Reed (2004) points out that there is no one specific characteristic that shines the light on toxic leadership. Rather, it is “a cumulative effect of the many elements of a leadership style” (p. 67). Though the academic community is yet to settle on a definition of toxic leadership, individuals in the public and private sectors recognize that toxic leadership has profound consequences. Therefore, the remainder of this paper will focus on the behaviors, characteristics, and consequences of toxic leadership. The aim is to demonstrate the stark contrast between healthy leadership and toxic leadership. Thus, it is critically important to create a working definition on toxic leadership that can be examined and applied across industries, cultures, and academic settings.

Identifying the behaviors and characteristics of toxic leadership is an important first step in differentiating between healthy and toxic leadership. Boddy and Croft (2015), put it bluntly by stating that “toxic leaders employ and demonstrate dysfunctional characteristics” (p. 46). While this is a true statement, it is important to go deeper for the purposes of understanding and clarification. Dysfunctional characteristics can mean different things to different people, can be applied across various contexts, and most certainly are observed through different lenses that must account for industry type, geography, and local customs and cultures. This is not to say that toxic leadership should be excused in some cultures or industries and not in others. Rather, a more finite examination of toxic behaviors and toxic leader characteristics can help the academic and business communities reach consensus on what toxic leadership is, how to identify it, and how to see the gaps between toxic and healthy leadership. Practically speaking, it is essential to identify these gaps because, in stressful work environments, followers’ attention can be diverted from their work and focus on where the stress is coming from, thus reducing their own performance and the organization’s overall effectiveness (Srikanth, 2020). Therefore, a review of how toxic behaviors and traits impact both the followers and organizational mission is of equal importance.

According to Webster, Brough, and Daly (2014), there are key leader behaviors associated with toxic leadership which include, “intimidating, bullying, manipulating (Machiavellianism), micromanaging, arrogance (narcissism) and engaging in abusive or unethical behaviour” (p. 346). These are deeply intentional behaviors that are designed to produce the precise results that one person or group of individuals desire for an organization whether it be in the short-term or long-term. Left unchecked, these behaviors can be woven into the very fabric of the organization and once this occurs, it becomes extremely difficult to shift the organizational culture back to a healthy state. Some of the additional behaviors of toxic leadership as postulated by Williams (2019), include shaming, passive hostility, the sabotaging of teams, and a genuine lack of compassion for others. As noted previously, every leadership style, decision, and action have intentionality (Gandolfi & Stone, 2017) and these behaviors are not excluded from that statement.

When examining each of these behaviors and characteristics of toxic leadership, they are a clear pathway to disciplinary, punitive, and fear- based relationships between leaders and followers. According to Viscuso (2018), discipline as a fear tactic almost never produces effective outcomes in the workplace. This runs counter to the notion that healthy leadership puts the needs of followers on an equal plane with the mission and vision that an organization might be seeking to achieve. Additionally, they place extreme mental, emotional, and sometimes physical pressure on the followers who are trying to execute and achieve the desired organizational outcomes. Lipman-Blumen (2005), aptly notes that toxic leaders play into followers’ anxiety, psychological needs, and their fear of rapid change to achieve their desired result. The sustained pressure of this variety on followers creates tension within leader/follower dynamics and they inevitably have consequences. In the case of toxic leadership, these consequences can be severe and irreparable.

At the follower level, toxic leadership is a direct cause of emotional exhaustion (Tiwari & Jha, 2022). This statement alone should be enough to give any leader or aspiring leader pause, as emotional exhaustion leads to burnout, which is when followers get completely overcome by stress and are no longer able to sustain the pressure of their jobs (Weisberg, 1994). With mental health deeply under the research microscope on a global level more than ever before, this is something to be concerned with for a myriad of reasons from leader/follower relationships, employee engagement and satisfaction, and employee retention in what has become a hyper-competitive war on talent in many parts of the world. For the follower, the traits and behaviors of toxic leaders can result in physical and mental health issues, and an overall heavy burden of personal distress (Webster, Brough, & Daly, 2016). When one or a combination of these consequences of toxic leadership become reality, the logical conclusion for many followers is to leave the organization.

Beyond the important concept of the emotional and mental exhaustion of employees, there are several other deceptive tactics that toxic leaders use to manipulate and coerce followers, particularly when they are in a vulnerable mental or emotional state. Winn and Dykes (2019) articulate the connection between toxic leadership and familial origin. Inevitably, people bring personal experiences to work. These translate to success, trauma, heartbreak, joy, and many other emotions. It is these very emotions that toxic leaders tend to misuse or take advantage of.

“Toxic leaders comfort us with reassuring and often grand illusions that life in the factory or in the family will work out just fine. By signing on to their grand illusions, we can work on our immortality projects. There are only two catches. For one, to achieve this desired state, we must agree to do just as the leader says—no ifs, ands or buts. Thus, just like when we were children, dependent upon parents whose rules we followed in exchange for love, safety, and Oreos, we now trade our obedience and autonomy for the toxic leader’s pledge of security, certainty and other goodies.” (Winn & Dykes, 2019, p. 39).

This type of maternalistic and/or paternalistic dysfunctional behavior described by Wynn and Dykes (2019) is concerning on several levels. First, one must seriously consider whether this type of relationship is appropriate in any workplace setting. With an understanding of truly healthy leadership, it is not difficult to conclude that it is not good, healthy, or appropriate (Collins, 2001; Winston & Patterson, 2007; Gandolfi & Stone, 2018). Further, the notion that the characteristics and behaviors of toxic leaders can produce these kinds of interpersonal relationships is alarming. However, the challenging aspect for followers is that toxic leaders often come off as pleasant and talented individuals but have the propensity to degrade others in either passive or aggressive ways, all for the purposes of self-gain (Williams, 2019). Therefore, it is crucial to understand the behaviors and characteristics of toxic leadership, as this type of understanding can provide greater opportunity for identifying toxic leaders, situations, and environments.

Even if followers make the active or passive choice to continue to follow a toxic leader, in toxic work environments where the leaders are driving the toxic behavior, followers will often seek coping mechanisms to deal with the toxicity, which distills down to environmental adaptation (Srikanth, 2020). Coping mechanisms often have long term consequences and can lead to the more serious mental and physical health manifestations of toxic leadership that have been previously discussed. Additionally, toxic leadership can elicit three common follower responses, assertion, avoidance, or adaptation (Bhandarker & Rai, 2019). More specifically, assertion can lead to severed relationships in a toxic work environment. Avoidance on the part of a follower can easily translate to a state of disengagement with their job and the organization, as well as a lack of productivity. Finally, adaption is almost never going to manifest into a healthy outcome in a toxic environment, because the adaptor inevitably becomes part of the toxicity. In addition to the individual consequences for followers, the organizational consequences of toxic leadership must be considered. Based on the known characteristics and behaviors of toxic leadership, it may be prudent to suggest that toxic leaders fall squarely into an authoritarian or autocratic style of leadership. Viscuso (2018) states that not to suggest that this is the only box toxic leaders fit in, “we do know that an autocratic management style and a history of retaliatory behavior can foster a demoralizing culture” (p. 66), a direct result of toxic leadership, as culture is paramount to achieving organizational mission, vision, and objective. Culture is people centric, not process or product centric, which can truly compound the problem and affect day-to-day performance on the job. Srikanth (2020) asserts that abusive leadership can be a drag on follower job performance and provide “the breeding ground for negative interpersonal relationships” (p. 1312). Saquib and Arif (2017) demonstrate that toxic leadership can stunt organizational learning. The type of dynamic described here instantly reduces organizational effectiveness and thwarts the growth and development of followers, which will produce less of the desired organizational outcome. Additionally, Toor and Ogunlana (2009) make a compelling argument about toxic leadership asserting that over time leaders can become driven by their power and personal authority, which can result in numerous toxic behaviors, such as abuse of power, narcissism, manipulation, self-service, and coercion (p. 256). Therefore, it becomes evident how the behaviors and characteristics of toxic leadership dovetail with the consequences of such behaviors for followers to create a cyclical and repetitive pattern that erodes relationships, trust, and abuse power (Tiwari & Jha, 2021). Sadly, in the end, there are no winners in that no-one is getting what they want on either a professional or personal level.

Furthermore, a noteworthy organizational consequence of toxic leadership is a perceived lack of psychological safety. This is paramount as psychological safety has been reported as the number one priority for building and nurturing effective teams (Viscuso, 2018). Unfortunately, nothing in the existing literature about toxic leadership characteristics, behaviors, outcomes, or consequences point toward psychological safety for followers. Toxic leadership is also in direct conflict with leadership effectiveness. Kouzes and Posner (2007), authorities on leadership, have produced some of the most compelling and authoritative studies on leadership effectiveness. Specifically, in a span exceeding thirty years of global research, they arrived at five key attributes of effective leadership. These are (i) to model the way, (ii) to inspire a shared vision, (iii) to challenge the process, (iv) to enable others to act, and (v) to encourage the heart (Kouzes & Posner, 2007). None of these attributes align with what we understand about toxic leadership. Interestingly, Matos, O’Neill, and Lei (2018) refer to toxic leadership as a style, one that “protects the ego of the leader and does not threaten their immediate success” (p. 501). With an understanding of the attributes pointed out by Kouzes and Posner (2007), Winston and Patterson (2007), and the definition of leadership provided by Gandolfi and Stone (2018), this type of leadership ‘intention’ does not align with healthy leadership, as organizational success and individual satisfaction cannot coexist in an environment perpetuated by toxicity. Toxic leadership can even manifest itself in seemingly desirable or attractive forms of a leadership style for an employee or prospective employee. A recent well-documented case of now defunct Theranos and its enigmatic leader Elizabeth Holmes proves this very point. According to Linda Neider of the University of Miami, “Elizabeth Holmes is a fascinating case study of charismatic leadership gone wrong” in that “she possessed many of the classic characteristics that we normally associate with charismatic leaders” (Malone, 2021; p. 1). Having obtained a holistic understanding of toxic leadership, the next step is to arrive at a working definition of toxic leadership that can be utilized as a catalyst for further research.


Juxtaposing healthy and toxic leadership provides a critical junction for defining toxic leadership. The two form extremes on a continuum of opposite ends. Most people interested in leadership or students of leadership are familiar or at least acquainted with what ‘good’ or ‘healthy’ leadership looks like. Yet, few individuals take a deeper look at the dark side of leadership. It is imperative to define toxic leadership primarily since several terms have appeared including but not confined to abusive, destructive, narcistic, controlling, and toxic leadership.

As noted, there have been several correlations between destructive leadership and abusive leadership to toxic leadership. For instance, Srikanth (2020) asserts that “abusive leadership has been considered toxic and a potential source of stress associated with negative emotional and behavioral responses” (p. 1309). With this known reality of abusive leadership, it becomes important to examine an already existing definition of destructive leadership that can highlight its unique attributes, as well as those of toxic leadership. Shaw, Erickson, and Nasirzadeh (2015), derive a portion of their work on abusive and toxic leadership from a definition based on the notion of destructive leadership. Destructive leadership had been defined as “the systematic and repeated behavior by a leader, supervisor, or manager that violates the legitimate interest of the organization by undermining and/or sabotaging the organization’s goals, tasks, resources, and effectiveness and/or the motivation, well-being or job satisfaction of subordinates.” (Einarsen, Aasland, & Skogstad, 2007, p. 208).

It appears that the aspects we have come to understand about toxic leadership are the behaviors, characteristics, and consequences of those traits and actions, which have been identified and documented in this paper. However, hitherto, there is no universally or even widely accepted definition of toxic leadership. Thus, the authors of this paper assert that there is a critical need to establish a baseline for this phenomenon that has plagued individuals, organizations, and governments of every type for hundreds if not even thousands of years (Wright, 2015). Consequently, the authors put forth the following working definition of toxic leadership within an organizational context:

Toxic leadership is the intentional or unintentional series of acts that undermine and discourage those followers who genuinely seek to carry out the mission and vision of the organization, who then become stifled in the process of achievement by self-serving leaders who put missional or personal gain above the needs of followers, creating a demoralized state that deteriorates organizations from the inside out.

This definition of toxic leadership is important because it delineates toxic leadership from the notion of destructive and abusive leadership. At its most basic, destructive leadership focuses on the whole organization with less consideration for the people executing the organizational mission. Abusive leadership emphasizes the damaging effects that toxicity can have on one- on-one relationships. This working definition of toxic leadership is holistic in that it counts the organization and the employees/followers equally. Prioritizing mission, vision, and followers equally provides the greatest distinction between healthy leadership and potentially toxic leadership. This understanding is derived based on a review of the existing literature and supports the notion that values are paramount to the leadership discussion (Brookes, 2014). This in and of itself is a new insight in our quest to understand toxic leadership, how it manifests, and if it can be correlated to any of the existing known and widely accepted leadership styles.


The primary purpose of this paper was to examine healthy and toxic leadership. This comparison was critical since the literature still pointed to personality as the primary driving force behind leader behavior. The objective of this paper was to develop a working definition of toxic leadership based on the existing research surrounding healthy and toxic leadership. The paper demonstrated what healthy leadership looks like, reviewed the behaviors, characteristics, and consequences of toxic leadership, and presented a definition of toxic leadership. Such a working definition is vitally important in order to allow the academic community to build upon for further study and research. However, more systematic work is required, and future research will need to continue to unpack the concept of toxic leadership. For instance, toxic leadership must be discussed in relation to popularized leadership styles including but not limited to charismatic, visionary, and transformational leadership styles.

Finally and unequivocally, the juxtaposition between healthy and toxic leadership is crucial to our understanding of toxicity in organizations. Understanding what healthy leadership in its truest form looks like creates a monumentally important path to our understanding of toxic leadership based on the research depicted in this paper, thus creating a bridge to the definition of toxic leadership that is going to enrich the leadership discourse.


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By Jack Paduntin, DBA February 18, 2025
We, Us, Our, and Ours: Preferred Pronouns of Winning Organizations  The Power of "We": Why Inclusion Drives Organizational Success "When united, we stand" is not just a national motto—it applies to organizations as well. The word united signifies community with shared vision and goals. Unity of diversity can transcend personal interests and conflicts to focus on team and organizational success. Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, emphasized that an organization's culture is a key ingredient for success. His focus is on the unity of people that help the organization not merely to survive but thrive. This unity is best cultivated through a culture of inclusion. Many organizations upholding inclusion as a core value can leverage it as a competitive advantage. Drucker’s emphasis on people underscores the power of inclusion. Organizations that embrace diversity—bringing together individuals with varied backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives—are better equipped to care for their employees, customers, and the broader community. Such organizations naturally develop a heightened awareness of diverse business environments and are more responsive to evolving needs. Why "We" and “Us” Matters The language of inclusivity—"we" and "us"—shifts the focus from individual victories to collective success. Organizations that prioritize inclusion create environments where employees feel valued, heard, and empowered to contribute their best work, optimizing collaboration and innovation. Inclusion does not imply uniformity; rather, it acknowledges that conflict and differences can be strengths. A collection of “I’s” does not equate a unified “we.” Overemphasizing the individual fosters division and competition rather than collaboration. A true “we” culture is intentional - built by transformational leaders who harness its power to elevate their organizations. When leaders move beyond a transactional approach and unlock people’s potential, they transform isolated contributions into a shared vision. This synergy unites individuals around common goals, amplifying collective achievement and driving meaningful impact. Lessons Learned From Businesses In addition to ethical considerations, promoting inclusion offers significant business advantages, optimize business decisions, and minimize decision mishaps. Learning from contemporary and classic business cases, we are reminded of power of “we.” Research from Google's Project Aristotle revealed that teams composed of individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences perform better in problem-solving. The study found that such diversity fosters improved collaboration, creativity, and decision-making, leading to stronger team dynamics and enhanced performance. This proves that a variety of viewpoints can result in more innovative solutions. Conversely, in a classic example, a lack of diversity within a team can hinder business decisions and create a disconnect between the company and its customers. As a classic example, in the 1970s, Chevrolet launched the Nova in Mexico, but it suffered from poor sales. A significant reason for this was that "Nova" translates to "no va" in Spanish, meaning "doesn't go." This misalignment with cultural and linguistic nuances negatively affected the car's image in the Mexican market. A more diverse team could have helped prevent such a marketing misstep. Shifting to a "We" Culture to Advance Success Fostering an inclusive culture requires intentional leadership. Here are some key strategies: Use Inclusive Language – Leaders should be intentional use "we" instead of "I" in their communication and acknowledge collective achievements to reinforce shared success. Encourage Diverse Perspectives – Inclusive organizations must actively seek input from all team members, accept differences, and create a work environment where different voices are heard and valued. Build Psychological Safety – Employees should feel comfortable expressing ideas without fear of rejection. When people trust that their contributions matter, they are more likely to take part more authentically. Unite Teams With Shared Goals – A clear, collective vision aligns efforts across the organization, ensuring that success is not individual but a team-driven accomplishment. As Peter Drucker taught, leadership is not about individual brilliance but about enabling people to achieve more together. Leaders can unleash potential of people to drive organizational success. The power of "we" can sustain strategic advantage, transforms workplaces, strengthens teams, and paves the way for a more successful and inclusive future. Now, let us put "we," "us," "our," and "ours" into practice and unlock the full potential of ‘our’ teams and organizations.
February 12, 2025
Celebrating Black History Month In 1976, during the U.S. Bicentennial, President Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History Month, urging Americans to honor the contributions of Black individuals. Since then, it has been celebrated annually in February in the U.S., while other countries like Canada (February) and the United Kingdom (October) have adopted their own observances. Black History Month began as Negro History Week in 1926, founded by historian Carter G. Woodson and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH) (now ASALH). Woodson chose the second week of February to align with the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, both significant figures in Black history. The week aimed to educate the public about Black achievements, counter racist narratives, and promote pride in African American heritage. Over the decades, schools and communities expanded the celebration, and by the late 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement fueled a push for broader recognition. This month CIAM recognizes and celebrates the contributions, achievements, and the resilience of Black individuals. Their contributions have impacted and shaped our country and the world. Black History Month informs and remembers both the challenges and accomplishments to inspire all future generations. Happy Black History Month!" How we can celebrate Black History Month Learn About Black History and Culture : Read books, watch documentaries, or listen to podcasts that highlight the history, achievements, and contributions of Black people. Some classic books to consider are The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. Du Bois, Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates, or The Color Purple by Alice Walker. Explore works from Black authors, artists, and musicians. Look into genres of music like jazz, hip-hop, and blues, which were shaped by Black artists. Support Black-Owned Businesses : Try to support local and national Black-owned businesses. This could mean shopping, dining, or booking services that are owned and operated by Black entrepreneurs. Attend Cultural Events : Many communities hold events, festivals, or talks during Black History Month. These can include film screenings, art exhibitions, musical performances, or guest speakers who share their expertise on Black culture and history. Volunteer or Donate to Organizations : Volunteer time or resources to organizations that support the Black community, such as local youth centers, advocacy groups, or nonprofits focused on racial justice, education, or economic empowerment. Amplify Black Voices : Share stories, music, poetry, or art created by Black individuals. Whether it’s on social media or in conversations with friends and family, amplifying Black voices and achievements helps to raise awareness and celebrate their contributions. Educate Yourself and Others About Racial Injustice : Use this time to explore the ongoing challenges facing Black communities, including systemic racism, voting rights, healthcare disparities, and more. Reflect on how you can contribute to fighting injustice year-round. Support Black History Month Initiatives : Participate in events or initiatives at schools, workplaces, or other organizations. Many places host educational seminars, workshops, or even artistic performances to celebrate the month. Engage with Black History Through Art and Literature : Create or engage in artistic expressions that reflect Black history and culture. You can attend poetry readings, art exhibits, or participate in writing or art projects that focus on African American history. Reflect and Have Conversations : Take time for personal reflection about how you can support racial equality. Have open discussions with family and friends about Black history and the importance of recognizing it beyond February. Watch Films and Documentaries : There are many powerful films and documentaries that depict pivotal moments in Black history, such as 13th (directed by Ava DuVernay), Selma , Malcolm X , or The Black Panther Party . These can provide insight into the struggles, triumphs, and ongoing issues within the Black community. More Films: Eyes on the Prize The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America I Am Not Your Negro The Souls of Black Folk Tupac: Resurrection Black Power: A British Story of Resistance The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross Won’t You Be My Neighbor Non-Fiction Books: The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B Du Bois Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcolm X and Alex Haley The Warmth of Other Suns How We Fight for Our Lives by Saeed Jones The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander Up from Slavery by Booker T. Washington I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein Fictional Books: Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston Beloved by Toni Morrison Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison Native Son by Richard Wright The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead Sula by Toni Morrison The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead The Street by Ann Petry Go Tell It on the Mountain by James Baldwin The Sellout by Paul Beatty Events in SoCal to Celebrate Black History: 45th Annual Orange County Black History Parade and Unity Festival - February 1st, Center Street Promenade, 205 W. Center St. Promenade, Anaheim, CA 92805 Black History Month Film Screening & Panel Discussion: wade in the Water: A Journey into Black Surfing and Aquatic Culture - February 1st, Santa Monica Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90401 Black History Month – February 1st, Pretend City Children’s Museum, 29 Hubble, Irvine, CA, 92618 Black History Month Celebration – February 1st, Forest Lawn Glendale, 1712 S. Glendale Ave., Glendale, CA 91205 The Art of Alma Thoma s – February 1st, Culver City Julian Dixon Library, 4975 Overland Ave, Culver City, CA 90230 26th Annual Los Angeles Black College Expo – February 1st, Sofi Stadium, 1001 Stadium Dr., Inglewood, CA 90301 Free the Land! Free the People! A Study of the Abolitionist Pod - February 1st –15th, Crenshaw Dairy Mart, 8629 Crenshaw Blvd., Inglewood, CA 90305 Prosperity Market – February 2nd, Hilltop Coffee + Kitchen, 4427 W. Slauson Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90043 African American Firefighter Museum – February 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd, Inside Fire Station No. 30, 1401 S. Central Ave., Los Angeles, CA African American and Black History Month: Activism Through Art – February 4th, Woodcrest Library, 1340 W. 106th St., Los Angeles, CA 90044 Annual Pan African Film + Arts Festival – February 4th – 23rd, Westfield Culver City Shopping Center, 1340 W. 106th St., Los Angeles, CA 90044 Uncle Geebo, Magicians in History – February 5th, Hermosa Beach Library, 550 Pier Ave., Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 African American and Black History Month: Mae Jemison – February 5th, Lawndale Library, 14615 Burin Ave., Lawndale, CA 90260 African American and Black History Month: Activism Through Art – February 6th, Angelo M. Iacoboni Library, 4990 Clark Ave., Lakewood, CA 90712 African American and Black History Month: Empower Through Poetry – February 7th, Temple City Library, 5939 Golden West Ave., Temple City, CA 91780 Motown Mania – The Music of the Temptations – February 8th, Bank of America Performing Arts Center, 2100 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Thousand oaks, CA 91362 2025 Allensworth Black History Month Celebration – February 8th, Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park, Grant Dr., Earlimart, CA 93219 Legacy & Unity: Black History Celebration on The Promenade – February 8th, Downtown Long Beach, Pine Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90802 Art of Charles McGee – February 8th, Bell Library, 4411 E. Gage Ave., Bell, CA 90201 African American and Black History Month: Build Like Phillip Freelon – February 8th, Montebello Library, 1550 W. Beverly Blvd., Montebello, CA 90640 African American and Black History Month: Faith Ringgold - February 12th, Lomita Library, 24200 Narbonne Ave., Lomita, CA 90717 Black History Parade and Festival February 15th, 1081, N. Fair Oaks Ave., Pasadena 44th Annual Black Doll Show - February 15th, William Grant Still Arts Center (WGSAC), 2520 S. West View St., Los Angeles, CA 90016 African Drum Circle with Chazz! - February 19th, La Crescenta Library, 2809 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta-Montrose, CA 91214 African American and Black History Month: Mark Bradford - February 19th, Willowbrook Library, 11737 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90059 African American Architects of Los Angeles - February 20th, Rivera Library, 7828 Serapis Ave., Pico Rivera, CA 90660 Black History Month with Storyteller Michael McCart y - February 20th, Platt Branch Library, 23600 Victory Blvd., Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Black History Month Parade & Expo - February 22nd, begins at Summit & Citrus Ave., Fontana, CA 92325 Jazz Fest: A Black History Month Celebration - Feb. 22nd, Miller Amphitheater, 17004 Arrow Blvd., Fontana, CA 23rd Annual African American Festival - February 22 – 23, Aquarium of the Pacific, 100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach, CA 90802 9th Annual Los Angeles Black History Month Festival - February 23rd, 7600 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles Black History Month Documentary Screening: When We Were Kings - February 26th, Wilmington Branch Library, 1300 N. Avalon Blvd., Wilmington, CA 90744 Black History Veteran Event - February 27th, Peer Resource Center, 12021 Wilmington Ave. Building 18, Los Angeles, CA 90059
By Marketing Dept December 5, 2023
3 Emerging Trends in Project Management Project management tools, methods, and technologies keep evolving, giving managers new ways to create, manage, and execute projects. At CIAM, we equip learners with the skills and confidence to develop their professional edge in project management. Our MBA project management courses cover the fundamentals and key concepts of project analysis and organizational management. Here is more information about three emerging trends in the field of project management: 1. Evolving Technology Project management tools and technologies are constantly evolving. The advent of low-code and no-code development allows project managers to design custom in-house management tools. Modern project management tools are built to seamlessly integrate with existing time tracking, resource management, CRM, and accounting software. Project managers can also use other management software, including portfolio management, collaboration, data analytics, visualization, and change management platforms. Project managers and their teams use rapidly advancing technologies like automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. These technologies, rapid growth rates and improvements can make software selection challenging. Digital project managers must expand their skill set to evaluate and prioritize the right technology that can adapt to new advancements. Our MBA project management courses can give you an understanding of efficient project management software to help you identify, evaluate, and adopt the right technology for your projects. 2. Hybrid Methodologies Project management methodologies have evolved from traditional Waterfall to Agile approaches, but hybrid models are gaining the most traction. Organizations are shifting from a single-methodology system to hybrid models involving multiple project management methodologies that allow for more flexibility. Project managers can borrow ideas from different methodologies to match their work environments. They have multiple methodologies to consider when looking for the right fit for their projects and environments, like Scrum, Six Sigma, and Lean. Traditional approaches like Waterfall focus on strict process planning and future analysis for risk mitigation. Modern Agile methodologies offer the flexibility to change paths during the project with adaptive teams and simpler task objectives. Agile approaches work great for software development teams. CIAM helps students explore these methodologies by offering a course in project management in practice. The course explores key concepts and emerging trends in project management methodologies. 3. Remote Work The preference for remote and contract work has risen, with staffers and freelance project managers opting for distributed project teams. Location dependence is being phased out, and project managers are adapting their strategies to manage remote teams. Remote work involves optimizing communication systems and maintaining team cohesion and project transparency. This new workspace also propels collaborative innovations like cloud-based project management software and video conferencing platforms. Digital project management is a high-demand freelancing skill, and more companies are embracing remote project managers and co-working arrangements. Project managers must reevaluate their processes and schedules to accommodate teams in different time zones and cultures. This digital environment also increases project managers reliance on data analysis and software tools to reduce project complexity. Project managers can use management software to review reports, issue new assignments and briefings, and monitor task progress remotely. Enroll in the MBA Project Management Program CIAM is dedicated to teaching the philosophies of management as a liberal art and offers several MBA program emphases, including project management. Our MBA project management course gives students the practical tools to guide projects in marketing, finance, healthcare, accounting, and other industries. Contact us today to learn more about our project management courses and how they can help develop your professional skills.
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