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(626) 350-1500
California Institute of Advanced Management

Student Success

Student Resources

Academic Advising

The Student Success Coordinator is available, by appointment, during normal office hours and class

sessions to assist students in need of academic advising. Please contact CIAM’s Student Success

Coordinator at [email protected] with any questions.

Workshops, Seminars, and Cocurricular Activities

Workshops, seminars, and cocurricular activities will be offered throughout the year. Sample topics include job finding, developing effective writing skills, presentation skills, leadership development, time management, stress management, and public speaking. Contact Student Success for the current schedule of upcoming events. 


CIAM does not assume responsibility for student housing, does not have dormitory facilities, or provide

student housing assistance.


Electronic textbooks are included at no additional cost and can be found within Canvas. To have access

to books after a course ends, students need to download their textbook to their Bookshelf. Otherwise,

access will be lost after one year.

Writing Tutors

Every CIAM course requires students to perform at a graduate level and that student work is clear, professional, and free from basic grammatical errors.

To assist with the feedback component, CIAM provides writing tutors to assist students who want or require individual, custom tutoring to continue satisfactory academic progress through their academic program. Tutors can be reached at [email protected]. Faculty may encourage (or even require) written assignments to be reviewed by the tutors when they evaluate a written assignment. This service is offered at no additional cost to all registered CIAM students.

Presentation Tutors

A graduate of the CIAM MBA program should be capable of communicating orally and visually such that they can present professionally in person, on video or teleconference and produce formal presentation decks that are clear and professional.

To assist with this, CIAM provides presentation tutors to assist students who want (or require) individual, custom tutoring to develop their presentation skills to achieve the level of a business professional. Access to the consultants is available at [email protected]. Faculty may encourage (or even require) presentations to be reviewed by the presentation tutors when they evaluate a presentation. This service is offered at no additional cost to all registered CIAM students.

Additional Resources


CIAM encourages students to register to vote. Registering and voting are important aspects of your rights and responsibilities as an informed citizen. The Higher Education Act Amendments of 1998 require universities to make a good faith effort to make registration forms available to you. The following information is provided to assist you in registering to vote either in California or in your home state. In order to vote, you must be a U.S. citizen and at least 18 years old at the time of the next election. As a college student, you may register either in California using your college residential address or at home using your permanent home address. When completing your voter registration form please note that P.O. boxes are not permitted as your residential/home address. California registration forms are available online at (scroll down to "How to Register to Vote"). Forms are also available at post offices, libraries, city hall, or department of motor vehicle offices. You can also find registration forms at CIAM Campus Resources. For information regarding California registration deadlines please see the California State Board of Elections website:

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