CIAM is committed to maintaining an inclusive campus environment that is free
from harassment, discrimination, and violence. As CIAM develops programs,
policies, and procedures that foster our vision of a community that promotes the
public good and serves humanity by all of its members, the University aligns its
efforts to comply with various civil rights laws that prohibit gender and sex based
Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination based on sex of employees
and students of educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance.
Sex discrimination is a broad category that includes sexual harassment, sexual
violence, dating and domestic violence, stalking, discrimination based on
pregnancy, and discrimination based on sexual orientation/identity. Sexual
harassment is unwelcomed conduct based on sex determined by a reasonable
person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies
a person equal access to a school’s educational program or activity. Sexual
harassment includes unwanted and/or unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for
sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
CIAM does not tolerate sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence of
any kind. This prohibition and the application of Title IX is further explained in
the Title IX Sexual and Gender Based Harassment and Misconduct Policy To ensure
compliance with Title IX and other federal and state civil rights laws, the University
has designated Claudia Sarabia as the University's Title IX Coordinator. She is
charged with monitoring compliance with Title IX and ensuring that reports of sex
discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence are investigated and
addressed by the University.
Any student, faculty, or staff member with questions or concerns about the
applicable University policies or who believes that they have been the victim of sex
discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence is encouraged to contact the
Title IX Coordinator.
“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation
in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational
program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to the Higher Education Act of 1965
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